AT Template™ Features

Graphical User Interface

Microsoft Word™ support

AT Template™ automation fields will be accessed in...

Reuse fields

Reusing fields to support workflow, additions to saved documents and adding multiple similar records or reports to a document E.g. you can...

Data access and variables

AT Template™ variables may be resolved into different kind of dynamic data, including access to data stored at different locations. Examples of usage are...

Action rules

Using the control field property "Actions and Options" you may enter a semicolon separated list of words or phrases. This will populate the dialog box control with a list and provide a drop-down list to the text box control.

You may also extend the list by connecting many (conditional) actions to a single user selection in the drop-down list. This feature can also be used without any drop-down list.

Using this powerful approach you can e.g...