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AT Mouse


AT Mouse is a tool that provides a significant contribution in order to prevent RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) and improve ergonomics. As a software based solution it can instantly be available for all employees in an organization. As a solution based on keyboard usage, it will also encourage use of regular keyboard shortcuts in general.

Using the innovative AT Mouse mouse keys with, including the Context Click feature will make it easier for people suffering from hand tremor and reduced dexterity or mobility to operate a computer.

AT Mouse lets you utilize multiple parts of the keyboard for mouse cursor navigation and mouse buttons (audible and visible) in a new, efficient and precise way. As a keyboard enhancer it will be available all the time and reduce or even eliminate the use of a designated mouse device.
However, when using a regular mouse, AT Mouse will let you place the mouse in predefined physical positions for better and alternative ergonomics, without disturbing the direction the cursor moves on screen.

You may contact us regarding any questions related to the above.

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